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Leading Best Logistics Company in Pakistan

 What is an item in logistics?

In terms of logistics, an article is a number of goods that are assigned a unique number for identification.

The article is either produced in-house or is delivered to the retailer and scanned and recorded using the barcode. The articles are then sorted into the space provided for them. There are two ways to do this:

"The articles are stored in two different ways. On the one hand, there is the fixed storage location-allocation in which fixed storage locations are reserved for certain items. This has the advantage that the storage can be determined easily and quickly. On the other hand, there is the dynamic storage space allocation. The articles are stored in free storage space as required or with parameters. This leads to high utilization of storage capacities."

The importance of the individual items in warehouse management:

According to HF Dieckie, the items in the warehouse management are to be divided up in an ABC analysis. According to this, all A-articles have a high proportion in terms of value but are rather small in terms of quantity in the warehouse. B items form a medium proportion in terms of quantity and low in value and C items have a high proportion in terms of quantity, but a lower proportion in terms of value. In this context, the 80:20 rule is applied. This relates to the division because only 20% of the stored items make up 80% of the total value.

Courtesy: logisticscompanyinPakistan


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